Os raros - porém empenhados - fãs brasileiros de René Guénon certamente conheciam as divergências fundamentais entre ele e Frithjof Schuon, e, por isto, não se tornaram jamais fãs do "petit Schuon brésilien": ao contrário, de modo geral se opuseram a ele.
A cisão entre Guénon e Schuon é profunda, digam o que disserem os pseudo-analistas... A existência de vertentes "da luz" e "das trevas" é notória, e entre ambas existe FUNDA oposição.
Todas essas considerações são talvez extemporâneas, porque 99% dos seguidores do "petit Schuon brésilien" não têm IDÉIA do significado de nada disso, e estão convencidos de estar diante de um católico romano, seguidor da Doutrina católica mais tradicional e pura - enquanto o cara é, evidentemente, um propagador do perenialismo gnóstico.
A descrição a seguir refere-se a um "Wahid Azal", que parece ser um heterônimo.
Eu sugiro que os senhores a leiam - qualquer semelhança não será "mera coincidência":
"Unfortunately, his gifts were retarded by the obsessive compulsive, maniacal ferocity at which his brain tends to run on. This in turn has gifted him with an award winning and epochal internet trolling capability, and a towering sense of [s]ELF. His vehement, libelous, defamatory, and capricious potty mouthed touts that litter the net, are always and without fail inflated with the most dubious conjecture. Even electronic death threats involving firearms are not above him. Seek and ye shall find! As a completely self-initiated, self-appointed "Grand Shaykh" of a "sufi" tariqah, one would expect, at least, a certain semblance of adab (spiritual courtesy). But there is none...save when he receives some form of praise or accolade from someone he himself admires. And God forbid if his admiree finds a glimmer of fault in his actions or words...look out! You've just run the risk of having assembled in your name, a smear/sneer campaign of Dostoyevskian proportions! To quote a one time friend of his "you are obviously an intelligent human being; but intelligence alone is not enough. What seems to be lacking is love, humility, wisdom, and sound judgement". This is the unfortunate reality. Instead of any semblance of humility, or love, you tend to always get the overtly rancorous, and obnoxiously antinomian sentiments/rants...coloured by foul whiffs of pseudo spiritual intellectualism and bitterness."
"This "exposé" of the Schuon tariqah is little more than a band-aid on an open wound that goes back years. Mr. Wahid/Azal/Whatever was once on the hunt for the mysterious "Tariqa Maramiyya"..."under the guidance of the great perennialist thinker and spiritual hierophant of our time, monsieur Frithjof Schuon" His actual words!"
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